Veterans Transportation Planning
Nationally, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that there were 21.8 million military veterans in 2010, over 9% of the adult US population over age 18. These individuals, and their family members, have a range of transportation concerns, some they share with the general public and others unique. Addressing the unique mobility requirements of veterans, active service members and their families will require individualized responses. Transit properties, human service organizations and communities must seek solutions that are locally feasible and meaningfully address needs.
AMMA is actively involved with several veterans’ transportation initiatives, including:
- A national research effort, TCRP Project B-42 “Community Tools for Improving Transportation Options for Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families.” This year-long research effort of TCRP B-42 was published in early 2014 as TCRP Report 164, as is available as a PDF download here. This report provides guidance, resources and tools for improving transportation options for the veterans, their families, and the military community. AMMA Transit Planning was a subcontractor to KFH Group, Inc.
- A two-county Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) project, VetLink. This project is developing new coordinated responses to address mobility needs of over 65,000 veterans in a large, predominately rural two-county region. Led by San Bernardino County 2-1-1, the project is shaping technology and information-based solutions that help to address veterans’ transportation needs. VetLink’s 1 call 1 click web portal is nearing completion. AMMA provides leadership to the Inland Southern California One-Call/One-Click Project Steering Committee.