
Title VI Technical Assistance & Support

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, although a long-standing protection for individuals and a requirement for transit providers, is now receiving more attention. All agencies and organizations receiving FTA funds are required to develop and implement a Title VI Program compliant with October 2012 regulatory changes.

Since 2013, AMMA assisted many agencies with fewer than 50 vehicles in developing and implementing their Title VI programs. As part of Caltrans’ RTAP (Rural Transportation Assistance Program), AMMA also trained agencies across California and has constructed a program model for small agencies to craft their own Title VI Programs. AMMA is currently supporting transit properties in “embracing” their Title VI program, to aid in preparing Title VI Program updates and in ongoing compliance with Title VI requirements for public transit.

AMMA can assist by:

  • Writing your Title VI program
  • Writing your Title VI Program triennial update
  • Providing Title VI technical assistance
  • Conducting Title VI trainings and workshops
  • Guiding Title VI implementation

Recent experience with Title VI:

  • Developed fully compliant programs for rural and isolated transit systems, such as Needles Area Transit, and urban agencies, such as the City of Downey, in California and Southern California MPO’s.
  • Developed Title VI self-guided program model for agencies with fewer than 50 vehicles
  • Developed templates and “how-to” worksheets
  • Led development workshops and development webinars on behalf of Caltrans
  • Provided technical assistance for multiple human service transportation providers and 5310 agencies

Contact us to learn how AMMA can assist your organization with its Title VI process.