
ADA & Demand Response Operations

Now more twenty years out from the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, public transit continues to explore and re-invent strategies for providing compliant ADA service and doing so within ever-constrained resources to an increasing population.

AMMA team members have rich understanding of ADA complementary paratransit regulatory requirements and the decades of court decisions that have interpreted law and regulation. AMMA has designed cost-saving operations strategies and refined user policy and procedure to ensure efficient ADA paratransit programs and demand responsive programs that are compliant with law. ADA policy and procedure are complex and dynamic in an efficient paratransit operations environment. They must co-exist with the civil rights expectations of users.


  • ADA and demand responsive service policies and procedures
  • ADA growth management
  • ADA demand estimation / demand modeling

Related Projects

AMMA’s nuanced appreciation of these sometimes conflicting objectives has brought measurable results to client agencies…

  • City of Claremont / Pomona Valley Transportation Authority – Claremont Transit Service Assessment
  • City of Greensboro, North Carolina, Greensboro Transit Authority – Comprehensive Operational  Analysis of ADA Complementary Paratransit Service
  • City of La Mirada / Norwalk TransitDial-A-Ride Comprehensive Operations Analysis
  • City of Lawrence/University of Kansas – Coordinated Public Transportation Development Plan and ADA Paratransit Plan
  • City of Long Beach / Long Beach TransitDial-A-Lift Comprehensive Operational Analysis
  • Imperial County Transportation Commission Short Range Transit Plan for Imperial County
  • Orange County Transportation AuthorityADA Paratransit Demand Estimation and ADA Demand Management
  • Placer County Transportation Planning AgencyPlacer County Regional Dial-a-Ride Evaluation